Возвращение Роберта Гроссетеста


  • N. Kondratieva



Біографія автора

N. Kondratieva

Кондратьева Н.В.


The Lincoln Magna Carta, Lincoln Cathedral Press, 2007.

R. W. Southern, Robert Grosseteste, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2007.

Judith A. Green, Henry I. King of England and Duke of Normandy, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

O. A. Dobiash — Rozhdestvenskaja, Krestom i mechom, 1925, reprint M., Prosveshhenie, 1987.

Zhiulen Hrin, Brat Frantsysk, Kyiv, Yunivers, 2006.

Klaus Kienzler, Robert Grosseteste, Biographisch — Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2007.

Robert Grosseteste, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007.

Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2005.

A. L. Chizhevskij, Na beregu Vselennoj, Moskva, Ajris Press, 2007.

Rupent Willoughly, Reading and its contribution to world culture, 2008.

Oskar Uajl'd, Serija: Zolotaja klassika, AST, Moskva, 2010.

P. A. Florenskij, Mnimosti v geometrii, Moskva 1922, Reprint, Muenchen, 1985.

P. Florenskij. Sobranie sochinenij: Stat'i i issledovanija po istorii i filosofii iskusstva i arheologii, M., 2000.

Veronica Sekules, Medieval Art, Oxford History of Art, Oxford University Press, 2001






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