Control of multiscale systems with constraints 4. Control of the evolution of nuclear systems on the basis of the principle of dynamical harmonization
We consider the application of the principle of dynamical harmonization to the description and the realization of the electromagnetic control of the processes of self-organization of the internal structure of nuclear systems and isomers. We present the main experimental results confirming the following theoretical conclusions: the synthesis of a wide spectrum of elements, the positive energy yield of nuclear installations, and the control of the half-life of unstable nuclear systems can be realized with the help of the optimization of mass (entropic) forces used in the installations.Посилання
S. V. Adamenko, V. N. Bolotov, V. E. Novikov, Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 1. Basic principles of the concept of evolution of systems with varying constraints, Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 33–54, 2012.
S. V. Adamenko, V. N. Bolotov, V. E. Novikov, Control of multiscale systems with constraints. 2. Fractal nuclear isomers and clusters, Inter- disciplinary Studies of Complex Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 55–77, 2012.
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