The Main Strategies of Education Development In The Context of The Ukraine's Peace Formula



Ключові слова:

Ukraine’s peace formula, education modernization, civilization progress, ideology


The study makes a socio-philosophical and philosophical-educational explication of the education development strategy aimed at the effective implementation of the Ukraine’s peace formula, proposed as a road map for the cessation of military aggression by Russia. The article provides a historical-philosophical analysis (19th – 21st centuries) of the ideological foundations and prerequisites for the attack on Ukraine, which formed the basis of indoctrination, the task of which was implemented by educational systems in the territories of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and contemporary Russia. The author managed to demonstrate the deep axiological rootedness of Russian education in the narratives of revanchism, neo-totalitarianism, etc. The study proves that it is Ukrainian education that can act as an effective tool for the implementation of the ideas of democracy and human dignity, formulated by outstanding domestic thinkers of the 20th – 21st centuries (Bohdan Gavrylyshyn, Myroslav Popovych, Oles Honchar, Ivan Dzyuba, etc.), and Western intellectuals (Noam Chomsky, Charles Taylor, Jacques Rancière, Peter Sloterdijk, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, etc.).

The author demonstrates that the Ukraine’s peace formula (radiation and nuclear security, food security, energy security, release of all prisoners and deportees, restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the world order, etc.) draws attention to the need to educate people in the ability to live, fight and win. The Ukraine's peace formula comes from a holistic vision of the world, a productive solution to national, regional and global problems that require a comprehensive understanding in modernized national education.


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