https://doi.org/10.31392/iscs.2023.22.099Ключові слова:
globalization, post-globalization, migration processes, migrants, forced migration, refugeesАнотація
The beginning of the XXI century can be described as post-global. It is conditioned by various and even contradictory events and processes: the legacy of globalisation with the structures of the WB, EU, UN, NATO, which continue to function today, but, as the present shows, need to be modernised in view of the international relations of the modern times; mass migration, which significantly affects the development of local economies in particular, as well as the geo-economy in general, the "brain drain" and "brain gain" in certain regions of the world. These processes also have a significant impact on socio-cultural processes, namely acculturation.
The scale of migration processes at the present stage of world development requires clarification of their content, causes and consequences, since they have a significant impact on all spheres of human and social life. The article determines that the defining characteristics of migration processes are socio-economic, military, environmental, religious, demographic, political, ethnic, educational, moral and psychological, etc.
The article focuses on such a type of migration as forced migration. It is generally accepted that migration is a purely personal choice, however, forced migration is a consequence of events and processes that a person is unable to influence or change. The authors of the article note that the processes of forced migration from Ukraine, which are a consequence of the Russian-Ukrainian war, need to be carefully studied to minimise the consequences, as the scale is catastrophic. According to the UN Refugee Agency, 7.9 million people have fled Ukraine, and 5.9 million have become internally displaced. The main reason for the displacement of people was the security situation. Of course, the vast majority of citizens have returned to Ukraine, but residents of the areas close to the hostilities are still living and will continue to live outside their homes for a long time, as much of the living space in these regions has been destroyed. The authors state that it is necessary to develop mechanisms and conditions for the return of citizens. It is necessary to use the education and skills acquired abroad and adapt them to the realities of our own society in order to create new prospects for its further development in the political, socio-economic, religious and cultural spheres.
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