Future preschool teachers’ professional competence in planning, implementing and evaluating the learning process




Ключові слова:

preschool teacher’s professional competence, planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning process, self-assessment of competence


One of the most important tasks in the 2022 UNESCO report is the preparation of teachers in the ɵeld of higher education, which is oriented towards the improvement of professional competence. The teacher is described as a creator of knowledge, and as a central person in educational and social transformation, while knowledge and learning are described as the basis of renewal and transformation. Opportunities for meaningful and high-quality education should be available at every stage of a person’s life. Preschool education is the ɵrst level of education and is where a child gains ɵrst knowledge, skills, and experience about the world around them. The preschool teacher and their professional competences are of particular importance in this cognitive process.
Using the teachers’ professional competence assessment tool (survey), this study analyses the self-assessment of future preschool teachers’ professional competence in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning process. Our results show that the survey that we created can be used as one of the tools for the evaluation of the teacher’s professional competence. In addition, the professional competence of future preschool teachers can be promoted in the study process in the unity of theory and practice. From the survey, it can be concluded that the planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning process interact and are mutually dependent components of the teacher’s professional competence. In the data analysis, it was found that the professional competences of preschool teachers are strengthened, which helps to identify the individual needs of children and to plan, implement and evaluate the learning process in accordance with them.


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