Reflection of the earth in modern media reality: philosophical and anthropological foundations of a complicated system
DOI:Ключові слова:
media reality, technologies, space, Earth, media turn, network, complicated systemАнотація
The article is devoted to the problem of re�ection the phenomenon of the Earth in the context of media reality. It is shown that the philosophical discourse, based on the media turn, testies to the formation of a new relationship between the components of the “Earth—man—information technology” system, which leads to signi蛻cant transformational shifts. This situation gives rise to a media totality, producing a dominance of images that create a new configuration of the social and the natural. Simpli蛻cation takes place in relation to the environment, due to the blurring of the boundary between the real and the illusory / virtual. It is indicated that these changes require a polyparadigmatic study. The article outlines the specifics of the formation of a new image of the Earth. This situation provokes the elimination of the systemic vision of the Earth and the transformation of the Earth’s space into an electronic, technological, information landscape that corresponds to the network principle of
organization. These landscapes have a direct impact on the organization of socio-cultural practices of modern society. This question articulated the problem of media reality as a new mode of being — articial being.
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