Contents of social cohesion: key accents of contemporary scientific discourse in three social spaces



Ключові слова:

contents of social cohesion, scienti췽c discourse, North-American social space, European social space, Ukrainian social space, interdisciplinarity, measurement models of the content of social cohesion


The article is devoted to the analysis of key concepts related to the interpretation of the contents of the “social cohesion” phenomenon in three social spaces — North-American, European and Ukrainian. Attention is focused on the works of researchers from the middle of the 20th to the 췽rst twenty years of the 21st century. It is emphasized that the discourse of this period is characterized by two trends in the statements of Western researchers: a) opinions are expressed that the phenomenon remains in the center of research attention; b) sometimes research attention to the phenomenon decreases. The authors present the most generalized and most widespread de췽nitions of the concept of “social cohesion” in the scienti췽c discourse, analyze certain new trends in its interpretation in comparison with previous periods, drawing attention to the fact that recently there has been a tendency to increase the operationalization of the concepts in the discourse.
The article contains an analysis of the development of a large pool of researchers of social cohesion from the countries of North America and Europe, as well as the basis for the development of scienti췽c discourse in the Ukrainian social space and the possibility of its inclusion in the global discourse.


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