The phenomenon of science in the challenges of transdisciplinarity: the search for paradigmatic responses to social turbulence



Ключові слова:

history of science, transdisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, phenomenon of science, paradigm, social turbulence


The article discusses the features of the transdisciplinarity of science in actively developing areas of science. The author emphasizes the dīerence between transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity and polydisciplinarity. In conditions of social turbulence, when the development of science and technology is ahead of changes in society, it becomes necessary to compensate for the lag with paradigm decisions. Since the Enlightenment and the positive science of Auguste Comte, science as a special kind of human intellectual activity aimed at achieving new knowledge and its dissemination has undergone signiŤcant changes. The subject of research has become so reduced that instead of clear boundaries between sciences, points of intersection appear. Future research, cognitive science, artiŤcial intelligence research, and others are considered as actively developing modern transdisciplinary studies. Jean Piaget’s contribution to the development of semantics and pragmatics of the term “transdisciplinarity” is demonstrated. In 1998, UNESCO oыcially documented the importance of addressing the issue of transdisciplinarity. In 2013, in the United States, the American Academy of Science and Culture, ARISE-2 published a report, which testiŤed to the necessity to make a transition in American science from interdisciplinarity to transdisciplinarity.


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