Psychological Issues of Students’ Social initiative in Higher Education Establishments: Systemic Approach



Ключові слова:

social initiative, student, systemic approach in psychology, system of so­ cial initiative structural components, cognitive-evaluative component, motivational- volitional component, behavioral-communicative component


The article gives a theoretical and empirical study of psychological issues of students’ social initiative in higher education establishments through the systemic approach in psychological science. The development of modern Ukrainian higher education is being analyzed and on this basis the study of the students' psyche is highly important. The study of scientific views on the psychological phenomenon of "social initiative" in domestic and foreign works has shown ambiguity in the views of scientists on the nature and content of the students’ social initiative. Generalization of scientific ideas has shown that social initiative is a systemic property of human, which covers the cognitive, personal, volitional, motivational and behavioral characteristics of the individual. On the basis of theoretical study and research, the authors of the article highlight the components, levels and indicators of students’ social initiative in higher education establishments. The results of the empirical study of the system of structural components of social initiative of students’ are demonstrated. A detailed description of the presence, partial presence or absence of students’ social initiative students is suggested by the authors. Important attention is paid to the experimental study of the system of structural components of the students’ social initiative. The system of components of social initiative of applicants for higher education is analyzed. The article notes that in most of the students under experiment the average level of social initiative indicates the importance of experimental study and development of this phenomenon. The article presents a model of psychological formation of the system of student social initiative, which is developed on the basis of empirical research. This article draws attention to the specifics of the manifestation of student social initiative, the importance of the development of this phenomenon and facilitates the implementation of student-centered approach in Ukrainian higher education.


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Соцiологiя. Психологiя