Science in the modern world: from value to complexity




The paper focuses on the problem of actualizing the role of
science as a complex system in the prospects of development of society
and man. The development of science is shown to have led to the formation and assertion of information and digital reality. It has accelerated
the pace of globalization in all spheres of life— from obtaining information
to knowledge, from the expansion of visual communication to stimulating
the movement of people, technology and finance. At the same time, the
introduction of scientific innovations deepens the polarization of countries,
continents and regions in terms of technological potential. The growing
complexity of the modern world can be realized by appropriate complex
thinking. The paper has revealed the main stages of formation of a new
type of personality capable of understanding the complex world, independent decision-making, in the process of cognition and freedom of behavior
in a situation of radical transformation of values of science and culture.
The dynamics of changes in science, technology, socio-cultural and economic life is determined as well. This situation gives rise to a new “reflective society”, corresponding to the initial levels of information theory
of complexity, in the context of which human activity becomes non-linear,
innovative and chaotic. It is emphasized that understanding the dynamics of a complex world and its systems stimulates the emergence of new
approaches in management theory. In their context, the task of forming
complex thinking is set, the ways of its active introduction into the culture
of scientific knowledge and learning are determined.


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