Philosophical education: the turn to the applied philosophy
DOI:Ключові слова:
applied philosophy, philosophical education, competencies, per-formance, moderation, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarityАнотація
Focusing on the substantiation of the process of modernization of the model of philosophical education, the study aims to represent the turn to applied philosophy as a new educational and professional program for training the philosopher. The theoretical basis of the study consists of two main points: the economic position of social epistemology, within which the emphasis is on understanding the social process of knowledge production and distribution of cognitive work, which requires a basis of interdisciplinarity. As well as practical application of a competent approach to philosophical education, which requires its modernization in the context of the requests and practices of today. Scienti c novelty is to justify a turn to applied philosophy in the training of professionals, which enables practice in real-world situations and contexts beyond the realm of philosophy. The normative content of the preparation of the Master of Applied Philosophy, which is provided with a complex of competencies, is rst formulated in the main learning outcomes as a methodology, moderation, performance. Practical signi cance. New techniques introduced in the program of applied philosophy, aimed at the organization and presentation of applied philosophical and scienti c project, the purpose of which is to make their own intellectual inquiry in the chosen practical and applied elds. The transition from a rigid academicism to the reinforced practical aspect of teaching philosophy is fully explained in order for a new understanding of the role of university education to be understood. Namely: to ensure that the student's knowledge does not remain misconstrued or misused.Посилання
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