Meta-theory of modern pedagogical knowledge: Innovation, professional development



Ключові слова:

meta-theory, meta-theoretical approach, innovation, professional self-improvement, integrity, subjects of educational process, personality, self-development


This article deals with some aspects of modern pedagogi-
cal knowledge, in particular with the role of meta-theory in innovati-
ons. The innovation is viewed through the prism of meta-theory as the
ability to a new, reflexive, constantly updated knowledge; openness to
innovative changes on the grounds of critical thinking; development of
creative abilities; ability, readiness and ability to continuous professional
self-development and self-disclosure. The general understanding of “meta-
theory” has been explored as a complex term used to identify such systems,
which in turn is applying to describe or to research other systems. The
innovative development of higher education is in the article one of such sy-
stems, which is based on the professional self-improvement of subjects of
the educational process and disclosed with the help of the reflexive system
of meta-theory of philosophy. The methods of terminological analysis, ab-
straction, idealization, formalization and generalization are used. It was
found out that innovative development of higher education is based on pro-
fessional self-improvement of subjects of educational process and disclosed
with the help of reflexive system of meta-theory of philosophy. It is proved
that innovative processes in high school can not be considered without the
self-improvement of the personality, gaining global significance.


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