Multiprofessional approach to emotionally developing environment for children suffered from the armed conflict


  • Iryna Glazkova Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова, Ukraine
  • Olena Bukhalo Mariupol State University, Mariupol, Ukraine, Ukraine


Ключові слова:

preschool children, children who suffered from a armed conflict, refugee children, the interaction of a preschool teacher and a psychologist, an emotionally developing environment, emotional well-being, emotional comfort, emotional upbringing


The article concerns the current problem of protecting the
younger generation from the negative psycho-emotional impact of armed
and military conflicts that are currently occurring, with a certain periodi-
city, in different countries of the world. Our work is based on the researches
of foreign and domestic scholars who studed various aspects of the mentio-
ned problem and on our own experience of communicating with people and
directly children living in the zone of armed conflict that is occurring in
the east of Ukraine. For this category of children typical are violations in
psycho-emotional (increased level of anxiety, fears, emotional discomfort,
etc.), intellectual and social development (complications of social adapta-
tion, difficulties in communicating and establishing contact with others,
etc.). Empirical studies prove that work with such children requires multi-
professional approach, namely, the interaction of educators of preschool
educational institutions and practical psychologists, which will allow the
complex approach to the problem of psycho-emotional protection of pres-
choolers who have been affected by the armed conflict. According to the
authors, an important condition that will allow to solve this problem is the
creation of an emotionally developing environment in an educational in-
stitution, which includes the emotionally positive atmosphere and emotio-
nogenicity of the educational process, emotional relationships between the
subjects of interaction (preschool teacher, psychologist, children), child-
ren’s activity, which contributes to the development of the emotional sp-
here, getting the experience of positive attitude to the surrounding world,
emotional well-being and comfort of preschoolers. The article substantia-
tes the directions of creating an emotionally developmental environment in
the process of interaction between the educator and the psychologist: emo-
tionally developing, emotionally supporting, emotionally adjusting, emo-
tionally activating, emotionally preventing, emotionally correcting, and
the forms of their introduction into the practice of preschool educational
institutions are given.

Біографія автора

Iryna Glazkova, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова

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