Development of interview taking competence by beginner journalists with the help of a psychophysiological component


  • Maxim Balaklitsky Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, Ukraine
  • Valentyna Kuryliak Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Science, Ukraine


Ключові слова:

interview taking competence, theoretical component, begin- ner journalists, psychological factors, psychophysiological component


In this article, the authors have researched interview-taking confidence as a necessary component of journalistic work. They have provided analysis of difficulty of interviewing instrument developing. They identify professional and psychological factors that prevent students of departments of journalism and beginners in media sphere to get necessary skills of professional communication. On the basis of a sociological survey, they have proved that beginner journalists realize difficulty of skills that form mastery of an interviewer. They have suggested a solution to the researched problem by qualitative learning of a theoretical component in the process of professional development. The authors have also suggested the recommendations on the application of psychophysiological component, which is an effective tool for overcoming the psychological and physiological difficulties that arise during the development of the competence of the interview.

Біографії авторів

Maxim Balaklitsky, Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна

доктор наук із соціальних комунікацій, професор кафедри журналістики

Valentyna Kuryliak, Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Science

Lecturer of the department of management of foreign economic activity


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Лінгвістика та журналістика