Ukrainian ethnos as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon: formation, dynamics, prospects
DOI:Ключові слова:
Ukrainian ethnos, mainland Ukrainians, “Ukrainians abroad”, Ukrainian diaspora, dynamics of Ukrainian ethnos, ethno- national structure, theoretical frameworkАнотація
The article refers to such a phenomenon as Ukrainian ethnos. The theoretical framework for investigation is introduced. Under the consideration the following questions are: the concept of the notion, the roots and sources of its formation, dynamics in different historical times. The phenomenon is analyzed from the socio-cultural perspective. Ukrainians living in different countries are presented as a holistic unite; the reason for that are links with ethnic homeland, common cultural features, common traditions, common customs, a number of common human values.
The basic approaches in analysis of Ukrainian ethnos are used: geographical/territorial distribution and the level of ethnic (Ukrainian) awareness. The role of ethnic memory, of ethnic heritage, of ethnic identity, of ethnic practices and ethnic participation for communicating and uniting the parts of Ukrainian ethnos are discussed. Prospects for common ethno-cultural activities and communication of Ukrainian diaspora with mainland Ukrainians are under the question too.
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