Прояви емоційної депривації дітей українських трудових мігрантів
The article is devoted to the problem of children growth in the families of labour migrants. The children of labour migrants is a special social-demographic category of children who remains without full parental care as the result of parents’ labour migration aboard. Thansnationality is one of the most considerable characteristic of modern Ukrainian labour migration. Transnational family is one of the consequences of such migration. This model of family implies parents or one of them is involved in the upbringing of their child not in full due to living for a long time aboard. At the same time direct care is reassigned to other members of the family. The article is aimed at the detection of elements of emotional deprivation of children due to (temporary) absence of parents working abroad. The method of semi-structured interviewing was used to collect information, and the target sample was used to search respondents. The main outcomes of the survey are as follows. The media revolution provides migrants with a real opportunity to maintain close and constant contact with their home through transnational practices (i.e. verbal communication: migrant’s visiting the home and family, migrant’s reletives’ visiting migrant in the host society, telephone calls, Internet connection; non-verbal communication: money transfers and transfers of various goods to home). However, this does not reduce the distance between parents and children living in sending state, and the spatial variance between them has a significant impact on family life and on the process of upbringing. In particular, the discourse analysis of interviews shows that the transnational family is an environment that carries certain risks, namely, it is a factor that can cause the elements of emotional of deprivation children. According to the results of the authors’ research, the most pronounced is the feeling of loneliness and the lack of emotional proximity by children, which, according to respondents, is caused by the physical absence of parents in their lives.Посилання
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