Interdisciplinary links as a didactic basis of the future teacher’s professional training


  • Halyna Vaskivska Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова, Україна
  • Maciej R. Tanas The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Польща
  • Svitlana Loboda National Aviation University, Україна



In the article, the authors consider interdisciplinary links as an important factor in training students of higher pedagogical educational establishments for their future professional activities. As a result of the study and analysis of pedagogical experience, the researchers found that interdisciplinary links are the didactic principle and the basis for the formation of methodological knowledge. These connections are also considered as conditions for the formation of the outlook and the improvement of professional training of future specialists; they are means of increasing the efficiency of knowledge acquisition, activating cognitive activity, forming cognitive needs and developing a system type of thinking, etc. The attention is paid to the technology of implementation of interdisciplinary links in higher pedagogical education, which makes it possible to make the learning process of future teachers efficient. In the pedagogical practice, it became clear that the systematic nature of vocational and pedagogical knowledge involves an interdisciplinary synthesis of these knowledge. Students need to master the concepts, necessary skills and abilities within this knowledge system (system of philosophical knowledge, system of psychological knowledge, system of pedagogical knowledge, system of historical knowledge, system of knowledge in subjects that are profiling in the department, etc.). An analysis of the content of curricula, textbooks, manuals on a number of subjects enabled the authors to find out that interdisciplinary orientation in teaching philosophy, political science, sociology, economic theories, psychology, pedagogy and teaching methods of a particular discipline in the context of interdisciplinarity offers some extra opportunities for the formation of the system of professional and pedagogical knowledge of the future teachers, provides opportunities for mastering the methods of cognition, which prompts for a scientific understanding of the tasks of pedagogy, the issue of education and upbringing of the younger generation, understanding the state policy in the education area. As a result of the analysis and comparison of the contents of the curriculum, the sections, the topics and the separate questions that were adjacent to the indicated disciplines were identified. It allowed determining the content of interdisciplinary knowledge. Implementation of multifunctional interdisciplinary connections in the educational process affects the ideological orientation of a future teacher, the mastery of the dialectical method of cognition, the formation of a professional type of thinking and methodological culture.

Біографія автора

Halyna Vaskivska, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова

директор наукової бібліотеки, доцент кафедри інформаційних систем і технологій


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